Wacky Clothespin Note Holder Magnet

What could be more fun to make and use than this Wacky Clothespin Note Holder Magnet. Chores and appointments will never be forgotten again and kids will love leaving messages for Mom too.
1 Neon Green Pipe Cleaner
1 Small Pom Pom
2 10mm Wiggle Eyes
Acrylic Paint and Brush
Thin Skewer
Craft Glue
Paint the clothespin. Let dry.
Cut the pipe cleaner in half. Fold each piece in half. Tightly coil each part of both sections around a skewer and slide off.
Glue to the top for hair.
Glue on wiggle eyes and pom pom nose.
Free Kids Crafts Team
These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at MakingFriends.com. They have been created exclusively for publication on FreeKidsCrafts.com with supplies you’ll be able to find around your house.

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Tags Clothespin crafts
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