Craft Stick Trinket Box

Trinket Box made with craft sticks

This cute little Craft Stick Trinket Box is a great place to store your small treasures or jewelry. It also make a wonderful gift for family or friend.


As any art teacher will tell you, the humble little sticks have within them the potential for becoming amazingly varied works of art. When combined with hot glue (I always used Elmer’s with the kids), or paint, cloth, and other decorative craft items, the results can be quite impressive. Source: Art Now and Then – Craft Stick Art

  • Colored Craft Sticks
  • Craft Glue
  • 5 Large Beads
  1. Line up 11 craft sticks.
  2. Glue and 11th and 12th craft stick lengthwise across the top and bottom to hold them together. This will become the top.
  3. Make another set. This will become the bottom.
  4. Add two more sticks on the bottom lengthwise pieces to start building the sides. Continue adding sticks until you  reach the desired height.
  5. Glue a bead to the middle of the top.
  6. Glue beads to the bottom of the four corners.

Now you have a pretty place to store your little treasures


2 thoughts on “Craft Stick Trinket Box”

  1. Lynn Vest Okel says:

    I work in a Library and every summer we have craft projects for the kids. We did this today and it was a big hit!

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