
There are two kinds of boomerangs, the non-returning which were used for hunting and the returning boomerangs used mostly for sport. They are often decorated with designs important to the Aboriginal legends and traditions.
Elmer’s® Foam Board
X-ACTO® knife
Elmer’s® Painters® Opaque Paint Markers
Elmer’s® 3D™ Washable Paint Pens – glitter and neon colors
1. Click on Printables and print out the pattern for the Boomerang then sketch the boomerang shape onto foam board or cardboard then cut out.
2. Using a combination of different geometric designs and colors, create you own traditional style boomerang pattern. Aboriginal art also reflected elements of nature. You will find designs of leaves, twigs birds’ footprints, and paw prints. You may want to include some of these in your boomerang patterns. Color the designs with the paint markers and 3D paint pens.
3. Display your boomerang by hanging it from the ceiling or tall bookshelf. You can make an entire collection, each with a different design featuring lots of colors, or use only a few colors and the art of repetitive patterns to create interest.
This craft is designed by Cecille Diez and is reprinted courtesy of Hands On Crafts for Kids.

Remember what we all say at Hands On Crafts for Kids, ”there’s no right or wrong way to crafting…only our way!” We hope that you will join us for Hands On Crafts for Kids – Back to Basics.
These look so cool I think I might try these out. 🙂