Recycled CD Coaster

Dad will never have to be confused about which glass is his with this unique Recycled CD Coaster. If you don’t want to scavage bits and pieces out of Dad’s tool box for the trim, you can do what we did and head for the Dollar Store for your craft materials for this project.
Recycled CD
Hot Glue (should be used by a responsible adult)
Miscellaneous small tool box items like nuts and bolts etc.
Trace around the CD on a piece of felt. Cut out and glue to the side of the CD that may have a label to cover up.
Hot glue odds and ends of small nuts, bolts, nut wires ets around the top edge of the CD. Let cool and you have the perfect coaster to hold Dad's favorite drink.

These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at They have been created exclusively for publication on with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
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