Turkey Cupcakes
Decorating Crafts, Early Elementary Craft, Fall Crafts, Farm Animal Crafts, Food Crafts, More School Crafts, parents, Party Crafts, Thanksgiving Crafts

Kids will be gobbling up these Turkey Cupcakes so make sure to make extras! The decorations are easy enough for kids to help. You’ll also be a popular class mother if you show up at school with them.
Turkeys can run at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour and fly as fast as 55 miles per hour. Source: Smithsonian – 14 Fun Facts About Turkeys
- Cupcakes
- Orange Frosting
- Candy Corn
- Peanut Butter Cookie Crisps (100 Calorie Snack)
- Mini M&Ms
- Frost the cupcakes with orange frosting.
- Push five Peanut Butter Cookie Crisps into the edge of the cupcake to make tail feathers.
- “Glue” another Peanut Butter Cookie Crisp to the front of the cupcake with extra frosting.
- Push a row of candy corn into the cupcake in front of the tail feathers.
- With frosting “Glue” on a candy corn beak and M&M eyes.

These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at MakingFriends.com. They have been created exclusively for publication on FreeKidsCrafts.com with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
Tags cupcake crafts
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