Mother’s Day Desk Set

Mom will be proud to display this beautiful desk set all year long. A gift made with love for someone you love.
The Hebrew word for Mother is Am (or Em). This Hebrew word occurs 25 times in the Scriptures in this base state (Em), and nearly 175 more times in variations (their mother, our mother, his mother, etc.), all of which are translated as “mother” in English. Source: Hebrew Word Study – Am/Em (Mother)
- Flower Applique or Small Doily
- Pink Rhinestones
- Low Temp Glue Gun
- Scissors
- Lightweight Cardboard
- Small Pad of Paper
- Tin Can
- Scrapbook Card Stock
- Exacto Knife and Adult
- Ruler
- Cover a tin can with any kind of patterned paper. Glue to hold and cut off the extra.
- Add a flower applique to the front and glue rhinestones around the flower applique.
- Make a cover for the paper pad by wrapping the scrapbook cardstock around the pad completely covering the front and back.
- Pinch at folds to mark. Remove and fold on the pinches.
- Place the pad back inside.
- Trim paper all around to size.
- Glue the back of the pad to the inside of the cover.
- Glue the flower applique to the front and decorate with rhinestones.
Flower Applique
Pink Rhinestones
Low Temp Glue Gun
Lightweight Cardboard
Small Pad of Paper
Tin Can
Scrapbook Card Stock
Exacto Knife and Adult, Ruler
Cover a tin can with any kind of patterned paper. Glue to hold and cut off the extra.
Add a flower applique to the front and glue rhinestones around the flower applique.
Make a cover for the paper pad by wrapping the scrapbook cardstock around the pad completely covering the front and back.
Pinch at folds to mark. Remove and fold on the pinches.
Place the pad back inside.
Trim paper all around to size.
Glue the back of the pad to the inside of the cover.
Glue the flower applique to the front and decorate with rhinestones.
This craft reprinted courtesy of where you will find many more craft ideas and supplies.

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