Ice Cream Cone Bead Pattern Craft

What could be more delightful in summer than this Ice Cream Cone Bead Pattern created by the FreeKidsCrafts Team. Kids will have fun making this to hang from their key chains or backpacks or to give as a gift to a special friend. If you’ve been beading for a while you will probably have enough spare beads to make this pattern without a trip to the store. A great idea would be to make them and donate as outlined in this post from our sister site DIY to Donate.
The first ice cream cone was produced in 1896 by Italo Marchiony. Marchiony, who emigrated from Italy in the late 1800s, invented his ice cream cone in New York City. Source: International Dairy Foods Association – The History of the Ice Cream Cone.
- Lanyard Hook or Key Ring
- 2 Feet of Bead Cord
- 1 Red Pony Bead
- 16 Pink Pony Beads
- 16 Tan Pony Beads
- Scissors
- White Glue
- Stiffen the ends of the cord with white glue. Let dry.
- Tie a lanyard hook or key ring to middle of the cord.
- On the right hand cord string on one red pony bead. With the left hand cord go through the same bead in the opposite direction. Pull on both cords, tightening the beads up close to the lanyard hook. Repeat with the second row, stringing on 4 pink pony beads. Weave a total of seven rows using the pattern as a guide.
- Tie off each cord close to the last bead. Dab a bit of white glue on each knot. Let dry. Trim.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
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Patterns, Templates and Printables
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These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at They have been created exclusively for publication on with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
Tags bead crafts for kids
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