Firecracker Party Favors

Cardboard Tube Firecracker Party Favors

Make these cute Firecracker Party Favors and fill them with goodies for your Fourth of July party. It’s a lot safer for the kids than the real ones. My son has a birthday on July 1st so a red, white and blue themed birthday party was always a good idea. Depending on the age of the child consider a craft making idea like a Patriotic Macrame Bracelet, a Patriot Lantern or Patriotic Buddies Paper Dolls.


The recipe for black powder, or gunpowder, the basic material in all fireworks, has remained the same since it was discovered in China about 1,000 years ago: 75 percent saltpeter (potassium nitrate), 15 percent charcoal, and 10 percent sulfur. Source: PBS – Anatomy of a Firework

  • Empty Toilet Paper Tube
  • Red, White and Blue Vinyl Tape
  • Red Tissue Paper
  • Tape
  • Silver Pipe Cleaners
  • Foamie Stars
  • Scissors
  • Small Goodies

Editor’s Note: If you are concerned about using a Toilet Paper Tube, just put it in the microwave for a couple of seconds to zap any possible germs

  1. Cut a 2 1/2″ circle out of tissue paper. Place it over the end of an empty tp tube and scotch tape in place.
  2. Wrap that end with piece of red vinyl tape to make the first row. Follow with additional rows of white and red.
  3. Fill with goodies and completely cover the end with blue tape.
  4. Finish by wrapping the rest of the tube with blue tape.
  5. Glue on white stars.
  6. Cut three 2″ pieces of silver pipe cleaners and poke the ends into the top.
  7. Glue a star on each end.




One thought on “Firecracker Party Favors”

  1. Nina Lewis says:

    What a great idea for favors for the 4th of July! And so easy to make. I like that! Thanks for sharing at my Grandma Ideas link up.

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