Printable Camping Word Search and Coloring Page

Printable camping word search for kids

Summer is a time for vacations and often times that includes a camping adventure. Take along this camping word search and coloring page for a quiet time or rainy day activity. This camping word search also is great before the big adventure and gets the kids excited about what is to come.


Before tents were used for recreation, they were a basic survival necessity. The first evidence of tent construction can be traced as far back as 40,000 BC.

  • White Paper
  • Crayons Markers or Colored Pencils
  1. Gather the kids around and hand out the coloring utensils and send them on a word search for the activities involved in this Camping Word Search.
  2. You’ll find lots of other themes in our Word Search collection so bring along extras to keep them occupied at quiet times.
Patterns, Templates and Printables

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2 thoughts on “Printable Camping Word Search and Coloring Page”

  1. Nina Lewis says:

    This is the perfect activity for our family reunion at the end of this month!! Thanks for sharing at my link party.


  2. nancy says:

    love this sight thanks

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