Printable Bear Ears

The FreeKidsCrafts Team has come out of hibernation to bring you these easy to make Printable Bear Ears. Great for re-enacting Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Books you might want to read with this craft:
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Candice Ransom
Alaska’s Three Bears by Shannon Cartwright
Corduroy by Don Freeman
Printable EarsTwo Black Pipe Cleaners
Twist together ends of the pipe cleaners. Form a pipe cleaner loop to sit on top of your head and twist other ends together. Click on Printables and print ears. Cut out. Fold in half (blank sides together) around the pipe cleaner, positioning to sit properly on top of your head. Glue the front and back together.Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at They have been created exclusively for publication on with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
Absolutely easy – thank you. Saved me money by having this printable pattern. 🙂
Thank you! Soooo easy and low cost! Part of my mandatory, low-budget costume for work! 🙂