Paper Plate Spider
Bugs and Insect Crafts for Kids, Early Elementary Craft, More Boys Crafts, More Halloween Crafts, More School Crafts, Paper Plate Crafts, parents, PreSchool Crafts, teachers

This original creepy crawly Paper Plate Spider craft from the FreeKidsCrafts team is sure to elicit squeals of delight from the kids. Paper plates are such a versatile craft material; forming a basis for so many ideas and spiders are so much fun.
- Black Paper or Plastic Plate
- Four Black Pipe Cleaners
- Large Wiggle Eyes
- Scissors
- Glue
- Cut pipe cleaners in half. Bend into legs as shown in the photo. Glue in place on paper plate.
- Glue on wiggle eyes and there you have it!

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Tags spider crafts
Gonna make this for class activity