Vacation Yarn Bug

DIY Yarn Bug designed to remember your vacation.

Teens will have fun making this Vacation Yarn Bug to commemorate their summer vacation. Add touches to make your Vacation Yarn Bug reflect the adventures of your summer. You’ll find lots more of these adorable creatures for all occasions in Making Friends Yarn Bugs section.


Eighteen percent of travelers in the U.S. bring a pet on vacation.

  • Yellow Yarn
  • Pattern for Visor and Hands
  • Pink Craft Foam
  • Tan Foam Feet Pattern
  • Tan Foamie Hands Pattern
  • Wiggle Eyes — 20mm
  • 2-1/2″ Styrofoam Ball
  • Black and Yellow Pipe Cleaner
  • Pink Paint Pen
  • Green Cellophane
  • 5″ Square of Cardboard
  • Tacky Glue
  • Scissors
  1. Make a pompom by wrapping yarn around a 5″ piece of cardboard at least 100 times. Mix colors or use all one color.
  2.  Cut a 6″ piece of yarn and slide it under wrapped yarn. Tie tightly into a double knot. Turn cardboard over and cut completely through yarn on this side. Turn yarn blob sideways and smooth down strands.
  3.  Press Styrofoam ball onto a hard surface to flatten bottom. (You can also use an egg carton section.) Cover the top and sides of the ball with tacky glue. Separate the strands of the pompom to fit the Styrofoam ball up inside. Press pompom into place. Arrange yarn.
  4. Print any patterns your bug might need. Staple all around patterns onto craft
  5.  foam or felt as listed in the supply list. Cut out pieces. Glue the bottom of the Styrofoam ball on to the foam feet. Glue on eyes. For optional arms, cut the pipe cleaner in half. Glue on hands. Poke the pipe cleaners into the bug for arms. Bend at the elbows. Glue on the wiggle eyes.
  6.  Form glasses out of the black pipe cleaner. Cut pieces of green cellophane for each lens. Glue to the back of the pipe cleaner eyeglasses. Glue one hand around the eyeglasses, folding down the fingers. On the other hand, make the “hang loose” sign by folding down the index, middle and ring finger and gluing in place. Finish by placing the visor on the bug’s head.
Printable Patterns

Click on an image below to open in a new window to print


2 thoughts on “Vacation Yarn Bug”

  1. sandy k says:

    the hand pdf doesn’t open.

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