Thanksgiving Maze

Print out this Thanksgiving Maze for the kids as part of the activities they can enjoy while waiting for their Thanksgiving meal. This maze and others along with the Thanksgiving Coloring pages will help make your holiday more fun for all.
What the settlers had initially planned on doing, was fasting for three days to celebrate their first harvest. That changed when they were joined by the Wampanoah Indians who turned their fast into a three-day feast. Source: Fact Site – 15 Interesting Facts about Thanksgiving That You Should Know
- Paper
- Pens or Pencils
- Print out enough copies of the maze for all the kids.
- Set them down with their pens or pencils and set them to work helping the turkey to find his way out of the maze.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print in the correct size
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

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