Snowman Card

Send sparkling holiday greetings to friends and family with this snowman greeting card.
Americana WritersDAW67 - Black
DAW234 - Calypso Blue
Glamour Dust
DAS37 - Glamour Dust Crystal
School glue stick
Tacky Glue
One 8 1/2" x 11" sheet white cardstock
One 8 1/2" x 11" sheet orange scrapbook paper
One 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of holiday print scrapbook paper (We used The Paper Studio, blue/white/silver snowflakes and dots, B13-F&F-P4 #160044.)
Click on Printables and print out the Snowman pattern. Cut print paper to 7" x 10", making sure to trim off identification on back side. Fold in half lengthwise.
Cut 5 1/2" circle from white cardstock paper. Use glue stick to cover back of circle completely. Unfold print paper and attach circle to print paper, with left side overlapping fold. Fold print paper again and form crease on circle where fold is, securing papers together.
Trace and cut carrot nose pattern from orange paper. Use glue stick to cover back of nose completely; refer to photo for placement and attach carrot nose to card.
Use tacky glue to trace around edges of circle on front of card with thin line.
While wet, sprinkle with Glamour Dust. Let dry.
Use Calypso Blue Americana Writer to dot on snowman oval eyes.
Use Black Writer to dot on snowman mouth.
Let all dry.
This craft is reprinted courtesy of
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

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