Newspaper Crocodile

Your own pet crocodile…What better way to find a use for those old newspapers. Let the kids have fun crumpling up old newspapers to create this fun sculpture.
Green & Yello Paint
Inexpensive Glue
Black Marker
Draw and cut out a simple shape of a crocodile on your cardboard.
Crumple newspaper into balls and half cylanders of desired sizes and glue to the cardboard. Glue and fasten with strips of newspaper going over the shapes and under the base.
Fill the hollow spaces with crushed newspaper and fasten the same way.
Tie String all around the crocodile.
Cut small strips of newspaper and glue them all over the crocodile.
For the eyes and nostrils roll and flatten small strips of newspaper. Turn in the two ends to form a hollow and glue in place.
Make small balls of newspaper and paint them yellow and stuff them into the socket of the eyes. Draw pupils with a black marker.
For the ridges on the tail and back of the crocodile, cut and glue in place small triangles made from cardboard.
Let the crocodile dry overnight and paint with green acrylic paint. Let dry completely.

Elizabeth is a graphics designer whose passion is crafts. At present she works for a children's book publishing company in India designing books for the international market. Elizabeth says "Among other books I design Model Construction and Craft book which gives me ample scope to contribute my creative talent. I also conduct my own craft classes bringing out creativity in children." She would enjoy hearing your thoughts on her crafts. [email protected]
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