Highland Cow

Highland Cows look a little different from the cows we are used to seeing in the USA. One of our Scottish friends was kind enough to send us this craft and it could be a fun starting place to explore Scotland. We’ve posted a picture of a real Highland cow at the bottom of the craft so you can see the real thing.
Funky foam – beige colour
Scrap of fur fabric – brown or black
Tartan ribbon
Strip magnets or small hosepipe or badge pins
Tacky Glue (from craft shops) or hot glue gun
2 googly eyes
Black pen or scrap of black felt
1) Trace round the head and horns shape in the foam and cut out. Draw the nose onto the foam and cut out. Draw the head shape onto the fur and cut out, and put the pile of the fabric going the same way as the arrow on the pattern
2) Take a piece of the ribbon and stick onto the foam near the bottom of the
head shape.
3) Glue the fur fabric onto the head.
4) Stick the eyes and the nose onto the fabric. Then either draw two black dots onto the nose for the nostrils or stick two small circles of black felt.
5) Attach a small piece of strip magnet onto the back to be used as a fridge
magnet. A small piece of hosepipe or similar could be stuck onto the back to create a woggle, or a badge pin to create a brooch. This could also be stuck onto fabric or craft wood stick to make a bookmark.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

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