Egg Shaped Penguin

This Egg Shaped Penguin is an easy cut and paste penguin craft for kids in grades 1-3. Penguins are a favorite for kids and adults alike and we have a number of crafts featuring this loveable bird.
Black, white and orange construction paper
Elmer's Glue-All
Cut out a large egg shape from the black construction paper.
Cut a smaller white circle for the tummy. Glue white circle on fat end of egg shape.
Cut another smaller egg shape from the black construction paper and fold in half vertically (lengthwise). Cut in half to make the wings.
Glue wings to underside of large, black oval (body) so they stick out from behind.
Cut two small round eyes from the white paper and glue in position near top of oval. Cut out two smaller black circles from construction paper and glue inside whites of the eyes for pupils.
Fold orange construction paper in half. At the fold, cut out a triangle shape for the beak. When the triangle opens you should have a diamond shape. Glue bottom half of diamond shape to the oval below the eyes. The top half should stick out.
Along the same fold of the orange construction paper, cut out a foot shape with three toes. You will have 2 identically shaped feet folded in half. Cut the feet apart at the fold. Glue to the underside of the oval at the very bottom.
It’s a very nice exercise I love it it is soooo easy
very creative