Cheerios Bird Treat Wreath

The coldest time of the year is just ahead of us and our feathered friends will be happy to spot this Cheerios Bird Treat Wreath. They are small so make a lot of them and decorate the whole bush or tree and make lots of birds happy.
3 Green Pipe Cleaners
1 Red Pipe Cleaner
Twist one end of the 3 green pipe cleaners together. Start to braid adding a cheerio after each plait of the pipe cleaner.
After completing the braids twist the ends together.
Create a bow with the red pipe cleaner and wire to the green wreath to make pretty feeding morsels for our feathered friends.

These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at They have been created exclusively for publication on with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
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