Dried Bean Mosaic

Fall is a time of year when we think of nature’s harvest and crafts that use natural materials. Dried beans come in all kinds of colors and make a wonderful medium for creating unique one of a kind decorations.
Elmer’s® Foam BoardAssorted Dried Beans
Elmer’s® Squeeze ‘n Brush® Washable Paint
1. Using a ruler, X-acto knife and cutting mat, cut a 12” x 12” square of foam core. Use the ruler to draw staggered rectangles on the foam core. Each rectangle will be a different color of ‘field’
2. Use Elmer’s® Squeeze ‘n Brush Washable Paint Brushes to color each rectangle. Orange, brown, yellow, green or red. Allow to dry.
3. Using beans and the clear glue, fill each rectangular segment. Try different types of beans such as Lima or Dried peas. You can lay the beans in patterns on the rectangles, or fill the rectangles solidly. Set aside to dry completely.
4. Using the Elmer’s Squeeze ‘n Brush Washable Paint Brushes, paint the dried beans/peas with the same color as you used on the base of each rectangle. Apply a second coat if desired.

Remember what we all say at Hands On Crafts for Kids, ”there’s no right or wrong way to crafting…only our way!” We hope that you will join us for Hands On Crafts for Kids – Back to Basics.
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