Yucky Bag Head

Kids in general and boys in particular love yucky stuff so this Yucky Bag Head will be a real crowd pleaser for many. Those who are repulsed by the idea can turn theirs into a prettier version. Winter is the perfect time to get boys interested in crafts and the yuckier the better.
2 Large Paper Bags
Crayons or Markers
Yucky Tongue
Yucky Mouth
Yucky Ears
Construction Paper (optional)
Yucky Nose
Yucky Eyes
Print, color and cut out all yucky facial features. Crease on fold lines. Black dash lines should be folded upward. Black dotted lines should be folded downward. Glue eyes and mouth flat on one of the paper bags. Ears and nose should protrude by gluing only the flaps. Cut out inside of mouth on white dashed line, cutting through paper bag. Glue tongue flap to inside of mouth.
If desired, use construction paper to make other features such as hair, mustache, beard, eyebrows, or glasses. Make your Bag Head really yucky, by drawing on warts, scars or blemishes.
Using the other paper bag, cut a piece the length of the bag by 8" wide. This will be the handle. Fold it 3 times the long way so it is now 2" wide. Staple the ends to the sides of your Bag Head about 2" down from top.
Care & Feeding:
Bag Heads prefer a diet of Critter Littles and Yucky Pizza. They have a voracious appetite and have been known to consume as many as a dozen Critters in one sitting.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at MakingFriends.com. They have been created exclusively for publication on FreeKidsCrafts.com with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
Tags yucky crafts
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