Yarn Rainbow

Now matter how rainy the day kids can make a Yarn Rainbow and make the sun come out wherever they are. This is a great way to use up those odds and ends of yarn. Keep a bag or box of those scraps. You never know when the perfect project will need them.
STYROFOAM™ Brand Foam:
Block, 12" x 6" x 1"
Acrylic paints: blue; green; black
Yarn: pink chunky; white curly; red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple craft
Fine-line black permanent marker
Toothpicks, 12
Stiff-bristled paintbrush
Disposable palette
Water basin
Paper towels
Thick, white craft glue
Refer to photo to paint lower portion of foam block, including edges, green for grass; paint upper portion blue for sky. Let dry.
Draw a rainbow across the blue sky. Squeeze 1"-long, very thin line of white glue along outline of rainbow, beginning at the base. Place one end of red craft yarn at beginning of glue line. Use blunt end of skewer to push yarn end straight down, 1/4" into foam.
To create dimension, gently lift remaining yarn length up from surface and push into foam again, about 1/2" from first hole, creating small loop. Twist skewer slightly for easier removal from foam. Repeat to end of glue line. Clean skewer tip on paper towel as needed.
Continue applying 1" glue lines and punching in yarn loops along entire top pattern edge.
Rotate picture and repeat in opposite direction to create double row of loops. Repeat for each color of rainbow as shown, creating two rows of loops per color.
Glue pink yarn around perimeter of foam. Place sawtooth hanger near top center back edge of foam; dip nails into glue before inserting into foam. Let dry.

STYROFOAM™ brand from Dow is one of the most trusted and widely known brand names in the craft industry. From Christmas ornaments to wedding topiaries, they have helped shape your crafting memories for 60 years. Today, their high-performance foams are helping you make tomorrow's memories.
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