Thanksgiving Pilgrim Hat

Whether you are having a Thanksgiving Pagent or just having fun dressing up for the holiday, this easy Pilgrim Hat will do the trick.
Paper plate
Grey or grey-blue construction paper (2)
Black construction paper (1)
Gold or orange construction paper - small scrap
Cut out center of paper plate. Brim can be painted or left as is.
Along one of the lengthwise edges (11 in side) of each grey piece of construction paper, make 1 inch cuts (about 3/4 inches apart) along the whole edge. Cuts can be made a tiny bit shorter towards the center so that the pieces will curve inward slightly.
Bend these tabs forward and then tape to the underside of the paper plate (brim of hat). Try to tape the outer tabs so that they are a little longer than the center tabs. This will make you hat taper in like a pilgrim's hat should.
After adding the back section, which will overlap, staple sides together at top of hat.
Cut two 1 1/2 inch strips of black paper. Tape or glue one piece in place, as shown, and then tape the other piece, overlapping the first.
Cut a small buckle and then glue in place.
This craft is reprinted courtesy of

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