Sweet Valentine Card
Nothing is sweeter than a Valentine Card made with love and maybe a little candy too.
Construction Paper
Glue stick and or Elmer's glue
MINI REESE'S PIECES peanut butter candy
Flower Diagram
Start with full sheets of yellow, green and two other colors of construction paper
Main body of your card
Take one sheet of colored construction paper
Cut out 5 ½ inch by 9 inch rectangle
Fold paper in half (width-wise) forming 4 ½ by 5 ½ inch card and set aside.
Front of Card - Border
Take another sheet of construction paper, different color and Cut out 7/8 inch by 5 ½ inch rectangle strip of paper
Fold 5 ½ inch strip of paper in half, on the fold of the paper draw a small half heart
With paper still folded, cut along your pencil line, open your folded paper.
Fold outer edges of the paper into the center of the cut out heart
On those folds draw your half hearts and cut along pencil lines
Get Card and turn fold to your left – glue border on right side of card 1/8 inch from right edge of card Set card aside
Making the Stem of your Flower
Take green sheet of construction paper and Cut out two strips of paper – one (¼ inch by 2 ¾ inches) the other (¼ inch by 4 inches)
Glue short 2 ¾ inch stem left of center (on the face of the card) leaning toward fold
Glue short 4 inch stem right of center (on the face of the card) leaning toward open side of the card Set card aside
Front of Card - Flower
Take yellow sheet of construction paper Cut out two 3 X 3 inch squares
Fold each square in half and then in half again to form small 1 ½ inch square (two side will have folds two will have open ends)
Draw a light line, diagonally, from the double folded corner to the double open corner
Draw a line from folded side to folded side, ¼ inch from the folded corner (forming a cross line in your diagonal pencil line and a small right triangle on the folded corner) Click on Printables for Diagram.
Draw half petals on the folded sides of the 1 ½ inch square (see diagram)
Draw a full petal from the folded corner to the open corner (see diagram)
With square still folded, cut along outside petal lines (dotted lines on diagram) and open to make your flower
With two fingers holding the center of flower and the base of each petal, very gently pull the petal (between middle finger and thumb nail) from above the base of the flower petal to the top point of petal. This will curl petals. Repeat action on each petal until all petals curl slightly. Put flower aside for gluing later
Inside Card
Cut out a 2 ½ inch by 3 ½ inch a rectangle with the color you used for you outside border design.
Glue at a slight tilt on the left page of your opened card
From same color paper cut out a 3 inch square, fold square in half and draw a nice sized half heart on the fold
Inside the nice sized half heart, draw a smaller half heart on the same fold
Cut out both hearts, set small heart aside
Glue larger heart, with open center, at the top of the right side of the card, tipping the bottom of heart slightly toward the cards inside fold.
Now, take yellow construction paper and cut out a 2 ½ inch square, fold square in half
Take smaller heart you set aside
Place fold of small heart on the fold of 2 ½ inch folded square
Draw a larger half heart around the outside edge of folded heart
Cut out yellow heart
Glue small heart to top of yellow heart. Set heart aside
Heart spring
Using any of the colors you have already used for your card, cut two strips of paper ¾ inch by 8 inches
Glue (perpendicular to one another) the ends of the strips of paper (strips will form a right angle)
From the glued corner begin to fold one strip over top of the other till the entire length of both strips is a tight paper spring glue fished end together and trim if needed
Glue heart that you have set aside to top of spring
Put glue on bottom of spring and glue the heart on a spring at an opposing tilt to larger heart above it (Make sure lower heart is glued in far enough from the right inside edge to be covered by the outside of car when it is closed
Finishing Touches
Take ¼ inch ribbon and cut two 5 ½ lengths, glue ribbon to left and right side edges of the inside of your card, 1/16 inch from edge
Cut two 2 ½ inch pieces of ribbon and two 3 5/8 inch pieces of ribbon, use to frame your rectangle on the left side of the inside of your card.
Get those flowers you put aside and glue the center of your flowers to the top of each green stem on the front of your card
Cards Sweet Touch
Get bag of MINI REESE'S PIECES peanut butter candy!
Get some yellow and brown MINI REESE'S PIECES peanut butter candy and get ready glue them on your card
Put brown MINI REESE'S PIECES peanut butter candy in the center of your flowers and on your outside border
Let dry for awhile before opening card to glue candy inside or pieces may drop off and have to be replaced
Have a little 'MINI REESE'S PIECES peanut butter candy' snack while you wait
Open Card and use yellow MINI REESE'S PIECES peanut butter candy to line the inside of your big heart
Write a sweet sentiment inside your card and don't forget to share some MINI REESE'S PIECES peanut butter candy with that special person
This craft is reprinted courtesy of Hersheys.com.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window
© The Hershey Company is the largest producer of quality chocolate in North America and a global leader in chocolate and sugar confectionery and is headquartered in Hershey, Pa.
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