Printable Library Word Search
Keep the kids busy and involved with reading by starting with our Printable Library Word Search. Great rainy day activity where the kids learn to recognize letter combinations. We’ve also added a fun picture for them to color. Two reasons to point with pride at their finished project as it hangs on the fridge.
The Library Company of Philadelphia, founded in 1731 by Benjamin Franklin and a group of his friends, became the first American subscription library. The Library Company, while founded as a membership library, did allow members to borrow books, and so may have been the first truly public library. It is still in existence as a nonprofit, independent research library. Source: Sturgis Library
- White Paper
- Printer
- Pen, Pencil or Marker
- Crayons
Print out as many copies of the Library Word Search as you need and supply the kids with their writing tools. Then step back as they industriously set out to find the letter combinations that spell out their words.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print in the correct size
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window
Want to have some creative family time? Print out our SudBudz® Masks and get crafty with the kiddos! More than just a typical Fizzy Bath Ball, SudPrize® is a first ever line of skin-loving and natural bath products that make bath time Fun for Kids and Easy for Moms. A Free companion App, SudBudz® engages your children into an immersive world of special and unique characters called SudBudz®.
I am a kindergarten teacher, printable site words search puzzles would be awesome for my 20 babies. Could you help me with this? Awesome ideas….thank you so much for helping my children be successful & ready for 1st grade. You are appreciated!!!!
Everything here is absolutely Awesome!! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you. Always good to hear feedback.