Play Food

Emilee of Sumter, South Carolina and her sister always enjoyed drawing & making crafts. They are now teenagers and thought of this craft when they were little and had one of those cooking playsets where you pretend to cook food.
They made their own playfood and thats how this craft came about.They still make this craft for their littile cousin.
White paper
Marker and /or crayons
Cardboard ( about the same size of your paper)
Scissors(maybe an adult for cutting)
Glue (bottle or glue stick)
If you can draw basic shapes you can make play food.It\'s fun and easy. Draw different kinds of food on your white paper.
like pizza slices are triangles,Doughnuts are circles, French fries are skinny rectangles, and a chocolate chip cookie is a circle with dots. If you want a perfect circle trace the base of a cup. Then you will want to color the foods you have drawn with your markers or crayons. Afterwards glue your sheet of paper onto the cardboard be sure your paper is covered with glue but not too much if you are using a bottle of glue.Then let it dry for 10 to 20 minutes.
After the glue is dry, you or an adult cut out the food.
Don\'t stop there you can make more food like chicken legs, peas watermelon slices, and even more !!

IT'S A WINNER! Take a look at what one of our talented viewers submitted to share with you. This craft was selected as one of this month's winners to received $50 in craft supplies. Click here to find out how you can enter your original creation for our judges consideration.
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