Plastic Easter Egg Chick

Help kids turn those plastic eggs into this cute Plastic Easter Egg Chick. Crafts make the holidays even more fun. Use your imagination to make other animals out of plastic eggs.
Craft Hand Drill
L Squeeze Punch - Chicky Baby
M Squeeze Punch - That's Amore
Easy Squeeze Glue Gun
Yellow mini plastic egg (approximately 1.25" diameter, 1.75" long)
Embroidery floss
Embroidery needle
Googly eyes
Glue stick
Editor's Note: This craft is appropriate for the older crafter or with adult assistance for younger crafters.
Punch six hearts from orange cardstock and adhere in a stack using glue stick. Set aside to dry fully.
Drill two small holes into top of egg from inside.
Using embroidery needle, feed yellow embroidery floss through both holes several times leaving a large section outside egg (easiest to wrap around fingers). Cut at center of floss and tie together in a knot.
Punch scalloped oval and cut in half to form wings.
Use Easy Squeeze Glue Gun to glue wings to back of chick, as well as eyes and hand cut beak.
Once wings are dry, glue completed chick onto heart base using Easy Squeeze Glue Gun.
Note: When drilling both projects, be sure to properly protect work surface with block of wood, stack of magazines, etc.

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