Paper Plate Pilgrims

This paper plate pilgrim craft is a great Thanksgiving craft for kids and a fun way to teach them about history.
Large paper plateSmall paper plate
Beige paint
Paint brush
Construction paper
Boy Pilgrim Template
Girl Pilgrim Template
How to make the boy pilgrim craft
Paint the small paper plate beige and put aside to dry.
While the paint dries, click on printables and print the pattern and cut out the pieces.
Trace the paper plate 'wedge' onto a large paper plate and cut the piece out.
Trace the rest of the template pieces onto construction paper and cut them out.
Glue the pieces of the pilgrim hat together (see the photo).
Glue the black wedge piece to the paper plate wedge piece, and then glue the finished piece to the bottom of the beige paper plate.
Glue the hair to the top of the beige paper plate.
Glue the hat to the top of the beige paper plate, overlapping the hair.
Use crayons to draw on the face for your Pilgrim boy.
How to make the girl pilgrim craft
Paint the small paper plate beige and put aside to dry.
While the paint dries, print our template and cut out the pieces.
Trace the paper plate 'wedge' onto a large paper plate and cut the piece out.
Trace the other two edge pieces onto a paper plate and cut those pieces out as well.
Trace the rest of the template pieces onto construction paper and cut them out.
Glue the paper plate pieces of the pilgrim bonnet together (see the photo).
Glue the black wedge piece to the paper plate wedge piece, and then glue the finished piece to the bottom of the beige paper plate.
Glue the hair to the top of the beige paper plate.
Glue the hat to the top of the beige paper plate, overlapping the hair.
Use crayons to draw on the face for your Pilgrim girl.
This craft is reprinted courtesy of
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

All Kids Network is a network of websites dedicated to providing fun and educational activities for parents and teachers to do with their kids. We have hundreds of kids craft ideas, kids worksheets, printable kids activities and more. So far, we have two main sites - and
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