Panda Pajama Pillow

What could be more fun for kids than cuddling up to this adorable Panda Pajama Pillow on a cold winter’s night, especially if they made it. This is a great sewing project for Tweens and Teens. The kids will take great pride in their handiwork for many years.
Trivia: Giant pandas live in a few mountain ranges in central China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces. They once lived in lowland areas, but farming, forest clearing, and other development now restrict giant pandas to the mountains.
Plush Felt
Black 18" x 18"
White 17" x 13"
Rainbow Classic Felt
Baby Pink 9" x 12"
Black 9" x 12"
24" Pink satin picot ribbon, 3/8" wide
Two double red satin ribbon roses with green leaves 1 1/2" wide
6" Black Velcro strip
24" of 7/8" wide black moire' ribbon
Soft sculpture needle
Enbroidery needle,
Thread, black and white
Straight pins
6 Strand black embroidery floss
Glue gun
Fabric glue
Glue sticks
To begin making your Panda Pajama Pillow, print Panda pattern. Enlarge on copy machine 150% or as large as you would like. Trace pattern on wrong side of Plush felt. Sew 1/4" seams unless specified otherwise. Back stitch all seams. When attaching features, hold in position, carefully life half at a time, apply glue to wrong sie 1/4" from edge, press in place, glue opposite side in same manner.
Note: RSO= Right sides out RSF = Right sides facing
Fold White Plush in half RSO (8 1/2 x 13). Cut out face and set aside. Cut a 5 x 18 strip off the edge of the Black Plush for features and set aside. Fold remainder in half (9 x 13) and cut along folded edge making two halves for back of head. Cut two 12" pieces of black moire' ribbon, sew one along cut edge on right side of one half, and one on wrong side of opposite half with seam 1/8" from each edge of ribbon . Sew one strip of Velcro centered on each ribbon.
With furry sides facing up, overlap and close Velcro strip on back sections of head aligning top and bottom edges. Center and pin fron on back with RSF. Sew around edge. Trim excess even with front edge. Clip curves, turn RSO. Insert hand in pillow, push open ears and smooth seams.
Fold 5" black Plush strip in half. Cut out eyes, nose and ears (or cut from Black Rainbow Felt). Cut heart shaped cheeks from Baby Pink Rainbow Felt, cut mouth from Black Rainbow Felt. Glue features on face, RSO. Glue on wiggle eyes. Cut pink ribbon in half, tie each into a 3" shoestring bow, glue centered on bottom edge of each ear, glue roses centered on bows.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

The Kunin Group, a division of Foss Manufacturing Company, LLC, supplies a wide range of premium quality felt and fabrics to the worlds craft industry. Packaged for retail display, Kunin products are sold in retail outlets worldwide. All Kunin fabrics are made with Ecospun, the high-quality polyester fiber made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles. We are a green company as we spin the polyester fiber we use.
I am really enjoying your website….. so many great craft ideas. I love the Panda pillow and so many other ideas you have. I had seen in my on line searching the idea of stay at home summer camp themes. It’s a little hard coming up with ideas to make two boys, one finishing K and the other finishing 5th grade happy for the summer. I am working hard on finding ideas and ‘pinning’ them and then going back and picking out the best ideas for each of the themes I have come up with (including Patriotic week for 4th of July, but thanks to your site, reminded of Flag Day at the end of the week! I’m even planning a Christmas in July week).
Thanks so much for your input. It is always good to know what out visitors are thinking and doing with the projects. We have a section called Boys crafts that may be helpful. Happy Crafting