How To Make A Cardboard Playhouse

Here is a new twist on the cardboard box turned into a playhouse. This homemade house will need to be a family project but will provide hours of fun for all the kids.
Packing Cardboard
Box Cutter
Yardstick or Measuring Tape
Start with 2 large pieces of sturdy cardboard approximately 5' x 4'. Measuring out from the center of the top of each of the pieces to a point about a foot and a half down the sides. Trim off the top corners wity a box cutter to form roof peaks. Make sure you have additional cardboard under the cutting areas to protect your surface.
Cut a slit halfway down from the peak of one piece and halfway up from the center of the bottom of the other piece so that the two pieces will slip together allowing the cardboard to stand.
Slip them back apart to make it easier to cut out doors and a window before slipping the pieces back together to form the finished house with a front door leading into a living room that has a door through into a bedroom that has a door through into a kitchen that has a window. A great way to make a setting for hours of fun.
Now you are ready to decorate in your favorite colors.

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