Make A Jack Skellington Pumpkin

Make A Jack Skellington Pumpkin with the stencil provided. Next year The Nightmare Before Christmas will celebrate its 25th year and you will be one step ahead of all your friends with this pumpkin.
Small poker for transferring design
Pumpkin carving knife*
Scoop or large metal spoon for scraping out pumpkin
Permanent felt maker, such as a Sharpie
*Pumpkin Carving Knife should be used by a responsible adult
Print out your pattern. Enlarge or shrink the pattern to fit your pumpkin.
Center your pattern on the pumpkin and tape in place. Use a small poke tool to transfer the pattern to the pumpkin. Use the tool to outline the design
Remove pattern and rinse off to see design.
Cut top out of your pumpkin and scoop out all the seeds and strings. The scooping is a great job for young children but the carving knife should be used by an adult
With your carving knive cut out the design following the stencil design.
Light your pumpkin with a candle or a tea light. Tea lights are safer and will generate less heat and help your pumpkin to last longer.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print
We like to think of ourselves as being pretty awesome. Each day we get up, ride scooters and sell Halloween costumes. It’s the job we all wanted to have when we were eight. Because we do something so different, so unique and so fun, we work hard and take a lot of pride in everything we do.
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See more Pop Culture Halloween stencils here.

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