Jolly Painted Halloween Jars

Betty Bose Uncategorized 0
Decorative Scarecrow and pumpkin painted jars.

Not everything about Halloween is scary. These Jolly Painted Halloween Jars add a festive note to your Halloween decorating.


Recycled jar and lid
Spray paint (see instructions for colors)
Raffia, flowers, and other decorative elements, as desired
Clear sealer (optional)
Electric tea light


Wash and dry a jar of any size. Remove labels. (there are lots of tips for removing labels on Google and Pinterest)

Spray paint jar and lid (flesh, beige for Scarecrow, terracotta or orange for pumpkin). Allow to dry.

Glue lid (inside facing upward) to top of jar (I used E-6000). If you desire to use these as treat jars, do not glue lid to top of jar.

Decorate face as desired using paint pens or craft paint.

Spray lightly with a clear sealer to keep paint from scratching.

For scarecrow, glue raffia around brim of hat, trim for bangs. To make hat, decorate a straw hat with artificial flowers, buttons and ribbon to your liking. I painted a wooden triangle to resemble a crow! Attach hat to lid (I again used E-6000).

Place electric tealight on lid. Because of the raffia and straw hat this is extremely FLAMMABLE, I recommend using an electric tea light instead of a regular candle.

Made in a variety of shapes and sizes, these look adorable on a mantle or porch. And can be used year after year!

Editor’s Note: This project should never be used with a traditional candle flame, it is very flammable. Only battery operated tealights or other non-flame candle substitutes should be used.



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