Incognito Turkey

When is a turkey not a turkey? When it is incognito the week before Thanksgiving.
Small pumpkins with foam center
Feathers, approx.7
Small pieces of felt. (tan,yellow,red,black and brown)
Small pieces of cardboard for glasses and sign
Small amount of stuffing, cotton balls or torn tissues
1 craft stick or small piece of branch
Cut 2 head pieces using pattern from brown felt. Put pieces together and whip stitch edges where indicated on pattern, leaving neck area open. Stuff with fiber fill, pulled apart cotton balls or torn pieces of tissues.
Cut nose from tan felt. Lay center of nose on turkey head where 'X' is indicated on pattern and sew all sides to the head.
Cut out 2 top of the head pieces from red felt. Whip stitch them together, leaving bottom open. Place on top of head and stitch bottom edges to the head.
Cut out mustache from black felt. Snip along the edge to make slits. Sew to head under the nose.
Cut eyebrow piece from black felt and slit the edges just as you did for the mustache. Follow pattern for help.
Cut glasses from cardboard and color them with markers.The ones in this project are lime green with silver lens. Glue them to the eyebrow piece of felt. Glue them to the face of the turkey right on top of the nose.
Cut the neck feather ring out, using pattern.Gather the neck of the turkey and stuff it through the hole of the feather neck ring.
Slide the head on top of the pumpkin stem and push straight pins in all around it to hold in place. You can also glue this down if you want.
Cut out the two red pieces. Glue or pin them under the mustache and on top of the feather neck ring.
Pick out 5 or 6 nice sized feathers and poke them in along the back of the turkey. Choose 2 more which are the same color and poke one on each side for wings.
Cut a square from cardboard, about 3”X 4". Color with markers and write your saying to make the sign. Glue to a craft stick or a small stick you found outside. Push the stick into the turkey near one of the wings.
Set your turkey on the table or somewhere everyone can see and enjoy!
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

Mary is one half of a creative team for a site called Crafting Tales. Here you will find craft projects and patterns galore with a large section for Kid’s crafts. They also have contests, gift shops and much more. Visit them at
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