Goody Bag Chicken

Our newest contest winner is Mary Ruthven who is a grandmother that crafts on the road as she travels around the country with her truck driver husband. She started crafting with her grandchildren when they were only 1 year old. Her kids love receiving “Grandma Mail” and she often makes little gifts for them from around the country. This is the first of several ideas she has sent our way so you will see more as the year goes on.
Yellow Bags
Foam Sheets
Double back tape or glue
Google eyes
Pom Poms
Bits of trim (optional)
Cut out simple body parts.
Glue red pom pom to top of red comb.
I made curved lines on wings with glue and covered with glitter. Let dry, then shake off excess.
Glue web feet under base of yellow bag.
Glue on google eyes.

Mary is one half of a creative team for a site called Crafting Tales. Here you will find craft projects and patterns galore with a large section for Kid’s crafts. They also have contests, gift shops and much more. Visit them at
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