Glittery Acorn Necklace

This Glittery Acorn Necklace uses supplies that you will find right in your yard if you have an Oak tree. Oak trees drop hundreds of acorns and you can make tons of necklaces for your friends and family.
Acorn with stem
Sparkle Mod Podge
Paint Brush
Styrofoam (optional)
Paint the bottom of the acorn with your Sparkle Mod Podge
Sprinkle with Glitter
Then stick them in Styrofoam to dry
Once dry Coat with your glitter Sparkle Mod Podge, then stick back in Styrofoam to dry.
Once dry, tie your string around the base of stem.
To help insure that it does not come untied put some Sparkle Mod Podge over the knot.
Once dry cut the extra stem off your acorn.
Now just pass them out to friends, or give them as gifts.

We are two moms who love doing activities and making things with our kids. We hope to inspire you and your kids with some of our projects!
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