Fringed Tissue Paper Flower Decoration

This easy Fringed Tissue Paper Flower Decoration is perfect for packages or wall art. It’s a fun and beautiful variation on the standard version of the tissue paper flower.
Tissue paper
(two colors minimum: each flower needs twelve 10" circles + four 5" circles)
Tacky Glue
Fold the stack of circles in half and use scissors to fringe the edges.
Squeeze four or five dots of Tacky glue in a wide circle around the center.
Gather 15 fringed circles (can be one color or every color) and repeat squeezing glue dots around the center area of the circles.
Stack the circles on top of each other, glue side up. Set aside.
Fold a second color of tissue paper and cut four 5" circles.
Repeat the stacking and glueing process, this time making the ring of glue dots slightly smaller.
Use your hand to flatten the stack and spread the glue. Allow to dry at least 30 minutes.
One by one, pull and pinch each layer of tissue paper toward the center being careful to keep your fingers away from the edges.
Continue the process, gently pulling each layer of circles toward the center, pinching the bases as you go.
Keep going!
And there is your flower. You can add a thumbtack or magnet to the back, or maybe add a few leaves. It's up to you!
These fringed paper flowers look terrific on top of a package and the recipient will keep your handiwork on display long after party is over!

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