Eifel Tower Jewelry Holder

Our latest contest winner is Skylar Johnson from Fort Meyers, Florida. Skylar has a natural artistic ability and loves to draw, write stories and create things.
12-13 Wooden sticks/skewers
Big beads
Hot glue
Hot glue gun
Take 4 skewers and meet them at the top and glue like the eiffel tower.
Slide 5 beads on each skewer and glue a dot to stop them from falling.
Cut 4 1-2 inch pieces of skewer and glue in between the 4 main skewers.
Cut 4 2-3 inch pieces of skewer and glue in between the 4 main skewers but a few inches down from the first.
Slide 8 more beads on and glue a dot below the beas so they don't slip.
Hang jewlrey on it and enjoy.

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