Egg Carton Penguin Craft

This adorable little Egg Carton Penguin will waddle into the hearts of all the young crafters. Kids love penguins and this egg carton craft is a perfect medium for kids to create a whole zoo of their favorite creatures. Be sure to check out the additional penguin crafts for more options.
Egg carton
Black paint
White paint
Orange paint
Black craft paper
Orange craft paper
Pipe cleaner
2 small pompoms
Cut two egg cartons, 2 cups each. Paint black and let dry.
When dry, paint the face and belly of the penguin with white paint.
Cut an egg carton cup, trim and paint orange for the feet. Glue egg carton pieces together.
Cut a beak and wings out of craft paper.
Draw eyes with a black marker.
Glue wings and beak to the penguin and attach body to feet.
Cut a small piece of pipe cleaner and attach with two pompoms to the penguin’s face to make earmuffs.
This craft reprinted courtesy of
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