Dancing Streamers

You’ve seen the Rythmic Gymnastics at the Olympics, now here is a way to show kids how they can enjoy this sport too.
Spool from thread
Crepe paper
Cut the Crepe paper into a strip about 2-4 meters long. Tape or glue the paper around the outside of the cotton reel. Thread approximately 1 meter of string through the centre of the reel and tie off. Hold the other end of the string and wave around in long sweeping arcs to make wonderful patterns.
As you get better increase the length of the streamer. You may also add more than one strip of paper to the reel. Try using different colour papers!
This craft is reprinted courtesy of Things2Make.com where you will find animated directions.

This fun animated website has great graphics and animated directions for their projects that are listed alphabetically in two categories: Under 6 and Over 6.
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