Crimped Paper Tree

Combine several different green patterns of cardstock to create a delightful Crimped Paper Tree. The tree will also keep your room freshly scented as it is made from a Renuzit® air freshener.
The Dial Corporation Renuzit® Longlast® Adjustable Air Freshener*
Woodsies® Stars*: 14 small (/8"), 2 medium (1 1/4")
Acrylic paint*: Black Forest Green, Glorious Gold
Decorative papers or cardstock: 8 1/2" x 11" sheets, two solid green, two dark green pine prints,
two light green print
Optional: White paper
Circle Cutter and Guide
Cutting mat
Craft glue
glue gun & glue sticks
fine sand paper
transparent tape
BASE: Use sandpaper to lightly sand base of Renuzit®. Paint base with 2 coats of Black Forest Green. Let dry.
TOPPER: Cut out cone shape from solid dark green paper according to pattern. Wrap paper around Renuzit® topper and glue overlapping edges together. Do not glue paper cone to topper.
PAPER CIRCLES: (Hint: Experiment on white paper first and to position the circles the way you want them, then cut them out from your good paper.) For first circle, use a circle cutter to cut an 8" circle out of dark green printed paper. Find center of circle and cut a 2 1/2" circle from center of 8" circle. Fold circle in half and then unfold. With scissors, cut along one fold from the outside edge to the center. Along cut edge, fold paper back 1/4" along center of circle and approximately 3/4" along outside edge of circle. Continue to accordian fold paper back and forth all the way around the circle. (Note: The folds do not have to be perfect in order to look good when it's on the tree.) Butt cut ends together and secure on wrong side with tape. For second circle, repeat as above using light green print and making a 7" circle with a 2" inside circle. (Note: The width of folds can be slightly smaller with each successively smaller circle.) For third circle, use the solid green and make circle 6" with a 1 1/2" inside circle. For fourth circle, use solid dark green and make circle 5" with a 1 1/8" inside circle. For fifth circle, use light green print and make a 4 1/2" circle and do not cut an inside circle.
ASSEMBLE TREE: Close Renuzit® and slip cone over topper. Measuring from bottom to top, mark on the seam the following increments: 1 1/2", 3", 4 1/2", 5 3/4". Cut approximately 3/8" from top of cone. Referring to photo, position four pleated circles on cone from largest to smallest and use hot glue to tack glue circles to seam of cone at marked measurements. Glue smallest pleated circle to top of cone.
STARS: Paint all Stars with Glorious Gold. Let dry. To assemble, glue one small Star onto one medium Star. Repeat for another medium Star. Hot glue medium Stars together on top of tree. Glue remaining small Stars randomly onto front and back of tree.
sehr schön , aber leider nichts für kleine kinder
This translates to
very beautiful, but unfortunately not for small children.
We have crafts for children of all ages from preschool to teens
Wir haben Handwerk für Kinder aller Altersstufen von der Vorschule bis zum Teenager