Craft Stick Basket

Our latest contest winner is Anh T., age 13, from Oakland, California who likes to paint, draw and make all kinds of art projects, anything but coloring pages! She lives with her parents and 3 sisters. She is in the 7th grade.
Craft Sticks
White glue
Begin by making a traditional Popsicle stick box base, 11 sticks across for the bottom, then add two sticks, one the left(west) and one on the right (east).
Then glue two more sticks, one on the north and one of the south.
Construct several layers with this method, two sticks at a time.
Construct a Popsicle stick square and let dry.
When it is dry attach it to the box at an angle, and centered over the constructed square box. You now have 8 corners.
Build the basket up and out, 2 sticks at a time, One on the west and one on the east, one on the north and one on the south. Then 2 more sticks, one on the northwest corner, one on the southeast corner, then 2 more sticks: one on the north east corner and one on the southwest corner.
You must stagger the layers of sticks a little bit each time so the basket opening gets wider.
Then you can begin staggering the sticks inwards to narrow the top opening.

IT'S A WINNER! Take a look at what one of our talented viewers submitted to share with you. This craft was selected as one of this month's winners to received $50 in craft supplies. Click here to find out how you can enter your original creation for our judges consideration.
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