Cornstarch Jewelry

Cornstarch Jewelry is made from a few simple materials and is a fun craft that kids of all ages will love! From squishing to rolling to cutting, this jewelry is all about being handmade. Enhance the cutouts with sparkly crystals; thread some beads and yarn for an extra special accessory!
Tacky Glue
Plastic Bag
Petal Pink Soft Paint
Waxed Paper
Cookie Cutters
Crystal embellishments (optional)
Feathers (optional)
1. Measure and pour two parts cornstarch to one part Original Tacky Glue into plastic bag. Mix until ingredients are blended well. (Add more cornstarch if the mixture is too sticky and add more glue if the mixture is too stiff.)
2. Knead mixture in sealed plastic bag until smooth and pliable, about 10 minutes.
3. Squeeze a few drops of Petal Pink Soft Paint into bag and reseal bag. Mix and knead with hands (keep plastic bag sealed) until desired shade is achieved. Add more paint until desired color is achieved. Knead into a ball.
4. Prepare work surface with waxed paper lightly dusted with cornstarch.
5. Take cornstarch ball out of bag and place on waxed paper after dusting lightly with cornstarch.
6. Flatten dough to ¼” thickness with hands or side of Tacky Glue bottle.
7. Cut out shapes with cookie cutters. Use straw to push through shapes to create holes for threading yarn.
8. Press crystals into dough for monograms and/or embellishing.
9. Let shapes dry overnight.
10. Thread yarn in dough shapes and pony beads to create bracelet or necklace.
11. Glue on feathers as desired.
This craft was designed by Pattie Donham Wilkinson and is reprinted courtesy of

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