Cardboard Tube PT Cruiser

Always use your imagination and be creative when building this Cardboard Tube PT Cruiser or any others. It’s your creation, so be inventive when looking for building supplies — you just may be surprised! When building your project, experiment with new and different ways of putting it together. The most important thing is to have fun!
1 paper towel tube
Old box or some cardboard (for wheels)
2 straws
Tape (colored tape for decorations)
Start out by making your PT Racer wheels. Take an old box or piece of cardboard and draw four circles (two big ones for the rear wheels and two small ones for the front). Then carefully cut out all four wheels. Find the center of each wheel and make a small hole for your straw axle to slide through. Try not to make the hole too big, or the wheels might wobble.
Next I made 4 holes on my PT tube using a hole punch. Try to make all of your holes as level as possible. Now insert your axle straws. I had to adjust my holes a little so that the straws turned freely.
Now slide your cool wheels onto your straw axles. Trim the straws down, making sure to leave some excess so you can adjust the wheels and be able to tape the ends to secure the wheels.
I decided to make the front of my PT Racer look speedy by adding a nose cone. I made a paper cone, trimmed it, and stuck it in the front. You can make your front end look any way you want! Its your project, so experiment and have fun!
How about a tail? I cut out some different designs, held them up, and decided on this look. This is where you can get really creative. Voila! Your PT Racer is ready to zip past at daring speeds!
Now for my favorite part of every project... dressing it up! For my PT Racer I used three colors of masking tape. I disassembled all the pieces and carefully covered everything with varying colors of tape. You can experiment with markers or stickers or anything you can imagine! The sky is the limit!
My PT Racer was looking pretty plain, so I cut strips of different colored tape for a racing stripe look. You could try polka dots, flames, or lightning bolts for a fun decorative twist.
Contributor | Fun Kids Crafts, Science Projects and More. Step-by-step instructions for hundreds of incredibly cool crafts and science projects that can be built from everyday household objects.
I can’t figure out for the life of me how to attach the wheels to the straws and still allow the wheels to turn. But then again, I’m not a crafty person. Anyone know, please post. LOL.
You probably need to make the holes a little bigger to accommodate the straws.