Button Spring Flowers

No matter what the weather is outside, the kids will have fun making these pretty Button Spring Flowers. You can change the buttons and the color of the craft paper to make other varieties of flowers, real or imagined.
1 inch buttons (5 for each flower)
Heart buttons if you want to make the leaf
Mini Wooden Clothespins
Mini Craft Sticks
Card stock paper
1.5″ or 2″ circle punch (or you can cut your own circles)
Hot glue gun
Green marker
Hot glue your buttons onto the top of your mini clothespins
Color your mini craftsticks green and glue heart buttons (heart bumps facing each other) to another clothespin. Clip heart button clothespin to colored craft stick.
Punch out circles from your card stock paper. Place button clothespins around the circle.
Glue tip of craft stick onto back of card stock circle.
Admire your fun flowers!
Or impress a girl with them :)

Sarah is a stay-at-home mom to her 1 and 3-year-old boys. She is also an artist and graphic designer that loves crafting with her kids, taking on DIY projects, crocheting and attempting to cook with the help of her Crock Pot.
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