Artificial Pumpkin Centerpiece

Would you believe this beautiful Pumpkin Centerpiece is made from a dryer vent tube?
27” of aluminum dryer vent tube
Glue gun
Orange spray paint or acrylic paint
Brown acrylic paint
Paint brush
Silk flower greenery or real leaves
8” x ½” diameter dowel, bamboo stake or small tree limb that resembles pumpkin vine
Use the glue gun to glue the ends of the tube together making a circle.
Paint the dryer venting with orange acrylic or spray paint. The kids can do this step. Let paint dry thoroughly.
If using spray paint, be sure to paint outside and supervise the kids. Spray cans are very tempting to children and you probably don’t want an orange dog or child!
Paint the stake, dowel or small tree limb with brown acrylic paint. This is another step the kids can do. Let dry completely.
Use the glue gun to fasten the pumpkin “stem” into the middle of the circle.
Use the glue gun to attach fake or real greenery around the stem as shown.
Voilá! A quick, easy and inexpensive autumn table decoration that the kids can help make.
This craft reprinted courtesy of The Artful Crafter.

After spending years as first a teacher and then as a VP of Finance for a major corporation, I took early retirement to devote time to my true passion, crafting. I own a small craft store, do custom orders and run The Artful Crafter website.
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