Apple and Pear Prints

Everybody knows about stamping with potatoes and foam, but these Apple and Pear Prints are yet another fruit that makes great prints. Try it on all kinds of materials and see the different impressions you make
Pear and apple
Cushioning for paper
Cut an apple and/or a pear in half, making sure the cut is smooth.
Using a paint brush apply the paint evenly over the cut side of the fruit.
Use any paper, but place it on a smooth, soft surface like a folded dish towel or old tee shirt. The paper needs to be pliable to absorb the paint. With the cut side down, stamp the surface of the paper. With each stamping the image is less vivid so reapply the paint regularly.
Draw stems and leaves with markers. Stamping has many possibilities for gift cards, wrapping paper, tee shirts.
With ten years of “Grand” parenting behind the team at Kabubble they’ve come up with lots of ideas on how to have lots of fun along the way and they have created treasured memories. This site shares those ideas with all grandparents and parents.

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