Tiki Tapa Bookmarks

Need a craft to use while teaching kids about Tahiti? These Tiki Tapa Bookmarks are a good place to start. These look like three different bookmarks, but they were made with the same pattern inspired by the native art of Tahiti. We added the Tahitian flag below.
Tahitian Pattern
23/4” x 91/2” interfacing
2 Teaspoons instant coffee
1 Cup water
Aluminum pie pan
Permanent marking pens (black and dark red),
Royal® graphite paper and pencil
Optional Fringe:
Coconut beads
10-Black e beads
Beading thread and needle
Optional Fringed Boarder:
Pacon® 4” x 11” burlap Pacon
Print out pattern. Transfer to interfacing and cut out bookmark on outer lines.
Pour 1 cup cool water into pie pan. Add 2 teaspoons instant coffee. Stir once, leaving several coffee crystals undissolved. Place interfacing bookmark in coffee solution. Turn bookmark over once. Lift bookmark out of solution and place on a cookie sheet to dry.
Place bookmark over pattern. Using graphite apper transfer design using a pencil Draw details with permanent marking pens..
Optional Beaded Fringe: Thread one yard beading thread through beading needle. Knot one end. Bring the needle from back to front of bookmark, 1/8” from lower edge. Thread 12 coconut beads on thread. Thread one black e bead on thread. Thread needle back through 12 coconut beads. Pull thread taut. Thread needle back through starting point. Make the next fringe about 1/4” from the first. Make about 10 beaded fringe. Knot the thread securely on bookmark back. Cut thread. Run a bead of glue over threads on bookmark back. Let dry.
Stiffen Burlap Border: Moisten burlap with water and place on aluminum foil. Squeeze a generous amount of glue on burlap. Brush glue over surface of burlap. Let dry. Center and stick tapa bookmark on burlap using glue stick. Place under heavy books for 5 minutes. Trim burlap edges 1/2” larger all around. Fringe burlap edges.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

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