Teachers Hall Pass

Start the new school year off with this practical gift (and kid’s summer project), a Teacher’s Hall Pass made special because it was made with care. It’s sure to make a lasting impression on your new teacher. We’ve identified the materials and colors we used, but feel free to chose your own.
Americana Gloss Enamels
DAG36 – True Blue
DAG67 – Black
DAG227 – Bright Yellow
DAG230 – Festive Green
DAG265 – Tuscan Red
Americana Brushes
DBL1000-B – Liner #0
DBR2004-B – Round #4
DBF2575-B – Flat 3/4″
Foam plate
Lo-temp glue gun
Hinged split metal ring
Six 8″ lengths of 1/4″ – 1/2″ coordinating ribbons
Flame lighter
Preparation: Remove all labels or tags from surfaces before painting.
1. Use flat brush and Bright Yellow to paint wood tag; let dry.
2. Use liner brush and True Blue to paint teacher’s name on tag, beginning at upper left.
3. Use liner brush and Black to paint “HALL PASS” on lower area of tag.
4. Use round brush and Tuscan Red to paint apple in upper right area; let dry.
5. Use liner brush and Black to paint apple stem.
6. Use liner brush and Festive Green to paint leaves on stem; let dry.
7. Attach metal ring through hole of tag and close.
8. Have adult seal ends of ribbon to prevent raveling by carefully singeing ends with lighter. Tie ribbon lengths around metal ring.
DecoArt® has one of the widest selection of paints and finishes for arts, crafts, and home decorating. All DecoArt products are non-toxic and user- and enviromently-friendly. Visit the DecoArt web site for free projects, how-to idea videos, tips and product info, and for the DecoArt on-line store.

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