Straw Hat Scarecrow

A Straw Hat Scarecrow is a perfect decoration for Fall and Thanksgiving. This cute scarecrow will hang around to be brought out every year to bring back fun memories of the season
Straw Hat
Wiggle Eyes -- 20mm
Pipe Cleaners
Craft Foam Scraps
Tacky Glue
Cut pieces of raffia and glue them all around the brim of the straw hat. Cut a hat shape out of craft foam and glue to the scarecrow's "head". Glue on wiggle eyes and make pipe cleaner nose and mouth.
The fun thing about this project is making it your own. Use our design as a guide only and give your scarecrow a personality of his (or her!) own.

These projects are created by Terri, Betty, Jamie or one of the talented staff members at They have been created exclusively for publication on with supplies you'll be able to find around your house.
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