Soda Pop Bottle Basket

These cute little Easter Baskets were submitted by our latest contest winner Carol from Kenosha, Wisconsin who has been working with Girls Scouts for 25 years and enjoys doing crafts with her grandchildren.
Great idea for recycling those sode pop bottles into little Easter Baskets.
20 oz Soda bottle
Lace, rick rack or other trim
Hot Glue Gun
Glue Sticks
Easter Grass
Easter Candy
Editor\\\\'s Note: Hot glue gun should be used by a responsible adult
Use a 20 oz. soda bottle for these little baskets. Cut approx. a 2 inch piece from the bottom of a soda bottle. Then cut another ½ inch piece from the bottle to use for the handle. Decorate the basket part with lace, rick rack, ribbon or any thing you choose. You can also attach buttons, beads etc. Decorate the handle by wrapping ribbon, etc around it. (Tip: for handle turn over from natural curve of bottle and it will stand up.) Use a hot glue gun to attach the decorations. Hot glue the handle to the inside of the basket part. Stuff with some grass, a few pieces of Easter candy and you have a cute little basket to give to a teacher or Grandparent
Carol also supplied us with pictures for a two liter soda bottle that she hot glued with fabric. Here are her directions and the picture is below:
For this basket I used a 2 liter bottle. Cutting it off at about 3 – 3 ½ inches, and then another inch for the handle. I use 1 – 1 ½ inch strips of material and white glue to cover the basket and handle. Then hot glued handle to inside of basket.

IT'S A WINNER! Take a look at what one of our talented viewers submitted to share with you. This craft was selected as one of this month's winners to received $50 in craft supplies. Click here to find out how you can enter your original creation for our judges consideration.
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