Sand Castle

Kids will enjoy the simple pleasures of making an easy Sand Castle at the beach. Not all crafts are made of paper and glue and this one lets kids enjoy crafts and the outdoors at the same time.
2 empty paper towel tubes
Paper plate
Play sand
White glue
Paint brush
Colored construction paper or card stock
Wooden craft stick (popsicle stick)
Paints or markers
Begin the sandcastle craft by cutting the paper towel tubes into four different lengths, as shown. The size of each length is not important, and it makes each sandcastle look unique.
Pour some play sand on to the paper plate, covering the entire bottom of the plate.
Using a paint brush, paint on a thick coat of white glue all over the paper towel tube. Or, if you are having a lot of children do this craft, you could pour the glue on to a plastic plate and have the children roll their tubes in glue.
Next, roll each paper towel tube in the sand on the plate, to cover the tube. Shake off the excess and allow each tube to dry thoroughly.
Add more sand to the paper plate if necessary, and add a dollop of glue to the sand, as shown. Use a spoon and stir the glue into the sand to create a wet, sludgy sand. Stand the sand covered tubes on the paper plate, arranging them with the tallest in the back, and the shortest near the front. Push the glue-sand mix all around the tubes. This helps support them to stand. Spread the rest of the sand-glue mixture all over the plate. Allow everything to dry.
To make a flag, color or paint the wooden craft stick (optional). Fold a small piece of colored construction paper or card stock in half, and cut out a triangle flag shape as shown. This can be personalized with the child’s name. Glue the wooden craft stick inside the folded triangle shape, and glue the flag to the inside of one of the tubes.
The sandcastle craft is complete!
Crafts For All Seasons
The Crafts For All Seasons website has many craft projects for every season of the year! There are easy step by step instructions, with many photos to help along the way. Please stop by and browse over 100 craft tutorials!

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